Sewa Billboard Jakarta Airport Untuk Bisnis Anda

Billboard Jakarta airport – In the world of promotions and advertisements, we often hear the word  billboards , in fact we also often see this promotional media. Bilboard is now one of the most widely used promotional advertising media.


Jakarta Is the Center for International Business and Tourism Destinations
Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia, certainly has a role as the center of all activities of the people of Indonesia, in particular. As a business center, naturally, of course, if foreign tourists or people from abroad come to their business needs. Jakarta has large foreign companies which naturally attract foreign people to work while opening new businesses in Jakarta. Not to mention, Jakarta offers several interesting tourist attractions. So more and more opportunities for foreign tourists to throng the city of Jakarta.


Then, what is the relationship between the city of Jakarta as a business and tourism center with billboard rental services?
Yes, Jakarta, which continues to be visited by business people, business people, and foreign tourists, is certainly ready to spend their funds for various needs. Moreover, the icon of Jakarta as an Indonesian state, of course, makes it visited by many important people from mancenagera. Therefore, it is natural that Jakarta is very crowded both by the local community, outside the region, outside the province, to foreigners.


For this reason, Jakarta airport billboard rental services are   no longer only seen by the people of Jakarta and outside the city, but can also be seen by foreign people who come to visit. That way, the company or brand that you own can be instantly recognized internationally.


Soekarno Hatta International Airport as a Strategic Location
With so many people coming to the city of Jakarta, both from outside the city, local communities, and foreign tourists who use air transportation, of course a great opportunity for you.


When tourists or business people / businessmen arrive at Soekarno Hatta International airport, they can immediately see the information printed on billboards displayed around the airport. With promotional media and the right location, making your business more recognizable. You can also get clients or consumers easily. As in some examples of our advertising locations at Soekarno Hatta Airport:


airport advertising
vivo-v9 airport advertising billboards
Jakarta airport billboards


Then What Are the Ideal Types of Businesses to Rent Billboard Jakarta Airport
However, an effective promotional media is advertising that is directly targeted to the appropriate market and really needs it. For example, a food billboard is very suitable if it is displayed near a mall or foodcour, while a mobile operator billboard is very suitable on display at a buying and selling cellphone center, or a fashion billboard that is suitable for display near malls, and so forth. As for the billboards on display at the airport itself, of course about all matters relating to business and tourism. Like for example restaurants, hotels, apartment rentals, work space, and many others.


If you intend to rent a Jakarta airport billboard, you can contact our billboard rental service . We will provide the best price with the most strategic location for the smooth and your business needs. Contact the billboard rental service at the airport right now for your business continuity!

